Monday, September 9, 2024

Julie's Journal : What I've Been Reading (plus our Puzzle Exchange)

Lately, I've been cursed with an overabundance of books to read and not enough time to finish them all.  I currently have 32 books on hold on Libby.  I need to clear some out, but I'm always finding new stuff I want to read and add to it!  

I've been on a bit of a T. Kingfisher kick lately.  I've always liked her stuff, but earlier this year I read The Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking and recommended it to everybody.  It's so fun.  One of the characters, Bob, is a sentient sour dough starter with personality!  I followed it up with Minor Mage, Illuminations, and Nine Goblins.  All are short, magical stories that I really enjoyed.  Next on my list by her is A Sorceress Comes to Call.  It is a retelling of the Goose Girl fairytale.

Another science fiction book I read recently was The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin.  This was on the New York Times list of the best 100 books of the 21st century, and I had only read a few from the list.  This is a very different book, and it took me a little while to figure out the timeline.  I may read the rest in the series, (I have the second one on hold on Libby), but it's pretty involved so I may have to be in the right mood for it.

The Last Flight
by Julie Clark was recommended in our Plot Twist Book Club.  It tells the story of two women who are both looking to change their lives.  One is running from a powerful and abusive husband.  The other has gotten caught up in an illegal lifestyle and wants to leave it.  They switch plane tickets at the last minute and the repercussions are huge.  I marked this as one of the best books I've read this year! 

Another author whose books I try to always read is Heather Webber.  Her latest, In the Middle of Hickory Lane, was very enjoyable.  Emme has moved to live near her father's family and try to put down roots for the first time in her life.  Her cousin Cora Bee is dealing with some demons of her own, and their grandmother, Glory, is beginning to struggle with her health.  All three women have to come to terms with their pasts in order to move forward in life.  I love the subtle magical element all of Heather Webber's books include.  In my opinion, this is one of her better books.


Did you know that Franklin County Library has a puzzle exchange?  Bring a puzzle, leave a puzzle!  We had two big donations last week, so there are plenty to choose from!