Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Julie's Journal : The Hat Books

Yesterday, the Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade classes from Sulphur Bluff visited the library and asked for some books to be read to them.  Whenever we need to do a story time, I have a few go-to books to read and I always choose at least one of the Hat books by Jon Klassen.  There are three Hat books :  "I Want My Hat Back", "This is Not My Hat", and "We Found a Hat." 

The stories are hilarious for both adults and children.  I like reading them because the kids completely relate to the characters and their troubles, and the stories are laugh-out-loud funny. 

Yesterday I chose "I Want My Hat Back".  The story follows a bear who is missing his hat.  He walks through the forest asking his fellow creatures if they have seen his hat.  Only when asked to describe the hat does he realize that he HAS seen his hat - on the head of a rabbit.  He rushes back to the rabbit, where he retrieves his hat and metes out justice.  

I love the witty sense of humor in these books and the kids were laughing from page 1.  The illustrations go perfectly with the stories and sometimes tell part of the story themselves, without any need for words.  Do yourself a favor and check these books out to read out loud with your kids.  

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