Friday, February 22, 2013

Chance's Corner: Gone Series

One of my favorite Young Adult (YA) series we offer at the Franklin County Library is the New York Times bestselling Gone series by Michael Grant. It has it all... Action! Suspense! A little bit of love. And of course, superhuman teenage angst fueled drama. I'm not talking Twilight here. It's more along the lines of William Golding's Lord of the Flies and Stephen King's Under the Dome.

As it stands, five books detail the constantly-evolving saga of the kids left behind in the small California coastal town of Perdido Beach. The cause of their isolation is unknown, but what the kids do know is that their parents and other adults poofed! into thin air and a large dome-like structure cuts their town off from the rest of the world. Soon several kids develop different and dangerous powers, creating divisions, rifts, and hostile factions within the community they now call the FAYZ (Fallout Alley Youth Zone). But, what they really have to worry about is the true evil lurking beneath their very feet.

On April 2, 2013, the Gone series is coming to an end with the sixth installment Light. So now is the perfect time to catch up or re-read the wildly popular series.

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