Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Why are libraries still important?

  • 75% of public libraries offer software and other resource to help patrons create resumes and employment materials, and library staff helps patrons complete online job applications.
  • Librarians help students learn how to analyze information and apply it to new contexts, reflect on what they know, identify what they still need to learn and sort through contradictory arguments.
  • 62% of libraries report that they are the only provider of free computer and internet access in their community.
  • 91% of public libraries provide free Wi-Fi, and 74% of libraries report use of Wi-Fi increased in 2011.
  • 76% of libraries offer access to e-books, and 39% of libraries provide e-readers for check-out by patrons.
  • 90% of libraries offer formal or informal technology assistance to library users, and 35% offer one-on-one technology training by appointment.
  • 36% of libraries report increased use of library technology training over the previous year.
  • 70% of libraries use social networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter
  • Public libraries served 297.6 million people throughout the United States, a number that is equivalent to 96.4% of the total U.S. population.
  • Libraries are still FREE!
What makes the library important to you?

Source:  www.ala.org

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