Thursday, November 7, 2019

Julie's Journal : Bookish Unpopular Opinions

Again inspired by another blog, here are some of my bookish opinions that may not be shared by the reading majority.

E-books are just as good as physical books. - Many, many people come in the library and tell me that they prefer a paper book to an e-book.  I just don't agree.  I don't really know why, but I will almost always read the books on my device before I read the physical books that I check out from the library.  I will wait in line for a book to become available on Overdrive even when the physical book is available in the library and I have even purchased an e-copy of a book I already own just so that I could read it on my device.

There's nothing wrong with reading the end of the book first. - I know this is a huge no no, but I usually read a chapter or two of a story and then skip to the end to read the last few pages.  Only occasionally does this ruin anything for me in the reading of the story.  I guess I'm trying to figure out if the resolution is worth my reading the entire book.  It usually is!

I have read this many, many times!
Re-reading a book is one of the joys of life. - My father hates to re-read a book.  His memory is impressive and he says that since he remembers the plot in the first few pages, he gets no enjoyment from re-reading a book.  Many of our library patrons agree.  For me however, re-reading a story I enjoy is comforting, like a visit with an old friend.  I have a few favorites that I have read dozens of times! 

Short stories are awesome! - We rarely buy short story collections for the library because they just don't get checked out.  I, however, really enjoy them.  The quick development and resolution of a story is satisfying when I don't have the time or attention span for a longer work. 

I HATE stories that revolve around one character lying or misrepresenting a situation to another character. - In the same vein, I don't like books that revolve around a misunderstanding.  I guess this eliminates a lot of books from my favorites list, but this plot device is so annoying to me.  I don't like a story where the entire time I'm thinking that just one good conversation between characters could resolve everything.  This preference bleeds over into the TV shows I like, as well as in real life.  I'm not a good practical joker because I get very uncomfortable misleading someone!

Do you agree with me?  What are some of your bookish opinions that may not be shared by the reading majority?


  1. I agree with most of your comments. I don't like plots based on false assumptions, but I do like jokes. I don't have the memory of Dad but I rarely reread a book. I do disagree that I won't read the ending first. If I know what the end is, I won't read the middle. Pretty similar for sisters.

    1. False Assumptions - that's a good way to put it. I don't like that at all! Reading the ending first has gotten me in trouble a time or two when there was a twist at the end, but the risk usually doesn't stop me. Oh well.
