Monday, November 25, 2013

A Gift for You!!!

Franklin County Library has an early Christmas gift for you!

Beginning December 1st. you will be able to check out books from Franklin County Library on your e-reader or other mobile device.  We will have access to thousands of books for you to choose from! 
You will need to come by the library and we will set up an account for you with our e-book provider.  If you have an Android or Apple based device there is an app you can download that will greatly enhance your experience with e-books.  Those using a computer or traditional e-reader will have to download software in order to use the service.  Library staff will be able to assist you with setting up your device.   
Providing e-books has been a goal of Franklin County Library for quite some time now, so we are VERY excited to finally be able to bring you this service. 
Merry Christmas!!!