Friday, May 23, 2014

Julie's Journal : What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

For awhile now, my mother has been telling me to read What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty.  I put myself on hold for it in Overdrive, our digital library, and finally was able to check it out this week. 

I FLEW through it.  The main character Alice is a 39 year old mother of three going through a divorce.  She stays busy, busy, busy running her kids around and being an all around super mom.  She and her husband are embroiled in nasty disagreements about custody arrangements and visitation rights. 

The problem is that Alice doesn't remember any of that.  After a minor accident in a gym class, Alice wakes up with a concussion and amnesia.  She believes that she is 29, deliriously in love with her husband, and pregnant with her first child.

As she returns to  her life, she is slowly told about the past 10 years from the people around her.  She doesn't recognize the person she has become.  At 29, she is more free spirited, more understanding, and more flexible.  Her children are shocked when she allows them a sugary breakfast instead of their normal healthy one.  She begins to reconnect with her ex-husband.

As I read about Alice trying to fit back into her 39 year old life with her 29 year old mind, I kept wondering what was going to happen when she regained her memory.  I knew that she would regain her older personality as well as her memories, but I wondered how her week or so of living with her younger mind would affect her long term.  Would she still wish to reconnect with her husband or would she continue dating?  Would she revert back to her strict parenting ways, or would she relax a little bit?  Would she be able to maintain the new relationship with her sister, or would they drift back apart?    

I won't give away the ending, but I will say that I was very satisfied with how everything turned out.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.  It is interesting to look at my own life and think about how I was different 10 years ago.  What aspects of my younger self should I try to bring back, and what changes are for the better?  I plan to read Ms. Moriarty's newer book The Husband's Secret, next.

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